The Great Awakening

A year ago, if you wore a mask and gloves in public you were a criminal. Today if you DON’T wear a mask and gloves in public you are a criminal. What have we done to ourselves?

Needless to say the great pandemic of 2020 is here, and it will remain for a long time. Not the shutdown or failure of the job market, but the virus itself. This thing, like the flu, is here to stay. So we better get use to it. Continue reading “The Great Awakening”

Expect the Best

Are you worthy? The absolute answer is: Yes, yes you are.

We all cut ourselves short thinking that others are far more worthy than we are. It is our human condition for us to think this way. Yet here is something you may have not have considered: Politicians have learned how to tap into this human weakness and use it against you. Continue reading “Expect the Best”