More Changes are Coming

I have written a couple of articles about changes, including my last post. This is an important topic as it effects every man, woman, and child. We all have changes in our life, everyday we encounter some type of change, there is no escaping it.

My goal for this year is to write one post a week. I’m not doing very well with that goal at this point, but I do have reasons for not posting. Bottom line I have no reasons for not posting except being lazy. That said there were some challenges I had to overcome.

For starters I was having a lot of problems with WordPress. My blog was doing funny things, looking funny, and I didn’t like it. So I began a troubleshooting affair and discovered a lot, and I learned a lot about me.

My favorite theme is 2010. Don’t ask me why I just like the 2010 theme. Always have, always will. The theme fills my needs, it’s not complicated, and easy to use. At least for me.

I don’t need some fancy theme, and I paid for some, to fill the needs of this blog. But I do need it to work, hence I spent the last month fixing that problem.

Persistence does pay off.

Life Changes

I was thinking about the changes in my life today and how I will encounter some painful changes in the not too distance future. Specifically my dad is in his mid nineties and his health indicates he will not be with us much longer. But I could be surprised, he is tough and rugged in both mind and spirit, even if his body indicates otherwise.

[Since I began this blog a few months ago issues have happened. My Dad passed away in February this year. That is how long I have been away from this blog.]

I lost my mom about three years ago when she was in her late eighties. That was a change I didn’t care for at all. I fear the next personal change I suffer is when we lose my dad. I’m hoping we don’t for awhile. But one never knows what Divine Providence has in store for us.

[Why am I not changing this post? Good question. By all accounts I should delete this draft and start a new one, but I’m not. I’m not.]

There are many changes I have to deal with, but there are others just as bad if not more so. I’m referring to the changes happening within our country. I can’t fight the change happening to my parents, or the final outcome, but I can fight the change that is being foisted upon us by traitors, those who lust only for power and control.

Political Betrayal

I ask the question, but have no answer; why would someone born in this country want to destroy this country? Why change it from a prosperous nation to a dirt poor one? Unless they themselves will not suffer from this change. It’s the only conclusion I can come up with, the one that makes sense. Add the fact these people believe they are better than us, which they are not.

The Elites

We hear about the elites all the time, the Bill Gates, the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, just to name a few who believe their money will protect them. So far they are correct in the assumption. People like these will be protected by the main stream media, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, you know the normal players engaged in the destruction of the United States. Yet reality tells us this protection can only go so far. We call it history and the elites have yet to grasp the concept.

We don’t have to worry about Russia, China, Iran, and other terrorist countries, as the elites. have become our main enemy. Not to say that China and Russia aren’t a threat, they are, but they are less a threat than the enemies we face within.

At some point the elites will fall, and when they do they can’t, and won’t, understand how. But we the “common” people know. For us, it will not be a mystery at all. Personally I will take glee watching them fall, and yes I will have to answer to Divine Providence for my actions. So be it.

The Commons

We are the Commons. The ones who work for a living. The ones who care for our family. The ones who feel powerless with all which is happening today, to our country.

Got news for ya, we are not powerless, not in the long run. We believe in our country and we are waiting to raise our voice in a very loud manner. When will that come? Voting Day.

We believe in the country, after all if we fall where will we go? There is no place left to go, so we will not fall. It’s that simple.

How do I know this? Past history.

Technically we should not be here. We took on the most powerful army in the world in 1776. We should have been crushed, but we weren’t. Why?

One word: Freedom

The people, us, have known nothing but freedom all our lives. Take it away, as the elites want to, and a tiger will be unleashed. The elites will have change alright, just not the kind they are expecting. And that change will happen election day 2024.

And tt can’t come quick enough. We the people will save this country, one way or another. You can make book on it.


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The Only Constant is Change

The Christmas lights are down. The tree is put away. The New Year’s Eve parties are over. The season is at a close. People are going back to work and vacation time is over. Our son has returned to his home, and the empty nest syndrome fills our lives… Again. Time is moving on and with it changes are happening.

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New and Improved

How many times have we heard these words, New and Improved? Countless times to be sure. I have come to realize that these words are code for: WE HAVE FOUND A NEW AND IMPROVED WAY TO MAKE YOUR LIFE COMPLETELY MISERABLE.

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A Full Year

A full year has passed since I made my last post and WordPress has changed dramatically this last year.

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Cancel Culture and Christmas

And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. – Jesus Christ

The cancel culture crowd is once again showing their colors. These people actually believe they have the power to cancel Christmas, a move that has been going on for a very long time. And each time it has failed.

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Change – The Only Constant

Explorer of the old world
Explorer of the old world

There is nothing permanent except change. — Heraclitus

Now is the time for change, a small change, a big change, many changes. Whatever it may be change is the only constant.

To that end you may notice the blog has changed appearance. As much as I liked the old style it has come to my attention that a change is required. That is something I should have learned at the beginning of this year. I had many plans for this blog then, back in January 2022, but they got waylaid when I came down with covid.

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Years End

Government Help

Our government help

Goodbye 2021. You weren’t as bad as 2020 but you still posed problems, problems politicians took advantage of.

As 2022 approaches political fear is the watchword of the day. But… I have a feeling 2022 is going to be full of surprises for the political class. Surprises they are not going to like.

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Decisions We Make

Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure. – Earl Wilson

I know better, but I don’t do better. I know I should write more. I know I should blog more. I know I should exercise more. I know I should work on myself more. But I don’t. Continue reading

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Making It Count

Force always attracts men of low morality. – Albert Einstein

How does one make their life count? What does it mean when someone says “make it count”?

These are a couple of questions one needs to ponder in today’s world. When I look at what is happening to the country, what we are turning into, I have to wonder why. Where is the universe taking us and what is it trying to teach us?

The answer is simple: The universe is telling us we make our own life. Which means we have a lot of control over our destiny. We become what we want to become, we become what we think about. Continue reading

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Conflicts to Come

People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies. – Don Miguel Ruiz

As 2019 arrives so does the coming disruption of life. With a split Congress it is fairly certain that not much will get done over the next two years. Which means that you are on your own – finally. Continue reading

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