The GOP establishment is in the process of self-destructing, only they don’t know it. Their attacks upon the Donald will have major repercussions for them because we the people have spoken. Continue reading “GOP Stupidity”
Taking the Plunge
Well I made the decision today to take the plunge into creating an online store. So what’s the big deal you ask. Well for me it’s kinda of a big thing. Call it my age or just being an old fart, it’s a new experience for me. Not selling, shoot that’s old hat, but the online store, that’s something new and different. Continue reading “Taking the Plunge”
It is amazing how fast time flies, especially when you get older. It was only yesterday when I was 21, full of life and hopes, and dreams. I often wondered where I would be when I turned 50. Well I found out and now I’m still wondering if I will be around when I turn 70. Continue reading “Time”
Losing It…
My last quick blog entry was back in December and here it is approaching May, almost six months. At any rate I lost track of time due to time mismanagement. I got side tracked with a lot of things and when I did have time to write I didn’t. My bad. Continue reading “Losing It…”
For a Short Year…
A very short year. Each year as I get older the years get shorter. I remember when I was a kid the days would never end, now they are way too short. Continue reading “For a Short Year…”
Going Crazy
The main stream media (MSM) and the Republican establishment has got to be going crazy. No matter what they try, no matter what tactics they employ to destroy The Donald and Big Ben, it always come back and kicks them in their backside. Continue reading “Going Crazy”
Fourteen Points – Really?
How many people are out of work? The estimates are at least a third of the country. The question is – Why? And the answer is so simple, so very simple that most people refuse to believe it. And what is that answer? Continue reading “Fourteen Points – Really?”
Cable vs Satellite Part II
A while back I wrote an article concerning this topic, which you can find here. I’m not going to repeat much of that article but I am going to tell you I did update to satellite and I want to share my experiences with you. Continue reading “Cable vs Satellite Part II”
Hot, Very Hot, and No Water
I guess the global warming crowd would call this… global warming. Me… I call it summer.
It is hot and humid for this part of the country, Southern California. True we are in a desert but here along the coast the climate stays fairly comfortable. I’m further inland so our temperatures do get a little higher. Still what is intriguing about this year is the humidity… very unusual. Which makes me think, from experience, that we may be in for a very wet winter. Only time will tell. Continue reading “Hot, Very Hot, and No Water”
Who Really Won the Political Debate?
I just got through watching the first Republican debate and I found it… interesting. Not Reagan but interesting. So am I for? Continue reading “Who Really Won the Political Debate?”