The time is coming … Are you ready?

Ideas and Concepts Worth Thinking About
It is the middle of 2024 and time moves forward at warp speed. Or so it seems like it. The older I get the faster time moves, and it moves forward never backward. I know it is 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and 52 weeks per year. Still the perception of time is individual and to me it moves very, very fast. So fast I lose track of it sometimes. Not this year, this year I have to evaluate the…
Continue reading “Time To Evaluate the Priorities, Our Priorities”My last post was in November 2022, and I was serious about getting these post done. Yeah, right.
Still I know that writing post/blogs is exactly what I need to do and I have been thinking about these next steps. This blog/post is just a whatever I think of type blog. No rhyme or reason to it, just is. And that is fine but I really need to add more thoughts here in order to make it work, to make me work.
Continue reading “Well, That Went Well”Now that I’m getting serious(?) about these blogs I guess it is time to give you an update of my progress. Continue reading “The Update Saga”
My last post was in February this year, 2022. Covid had done a number on me and I was still feeling the effects. For a couple of weeks covid was not a fun item to be around. And at my age I had to be careful, very careful. Continue reading “The Update”
It has been a while since I made a Quick Blog entry. Part of it is my fault, part of it not. The part not my fault is when my family and I came down with Covid. That was not planned nor wanted, but happened anyway. I do not recommended it. Continue reading “The Progressive Trash Heap”
Getting ready for what exactly?
I am on the last week of my vacation and it has been relaxing, non-eventful, and productive all at the same time. It has been a good vacation. A much needed vacation from a stressful year. Continue reading “Getting Ready for 2022”
The year 2021 is coming to a close and I leave it with mixed feelings, sorta. This year was not as bad as 2020 but it contained it’s challenges. Continue reading “A New Beginning”
It is December 2021 and I find myself wondering what the hell did I do with all my time? Where did that time go? Continue reading “Year’s End”
Ever notice how time just slips away? One moment it’s Christmas, the next a wild hot summer, the next Christmas again. Continue reading “Time”