Why the Tea Party Will Never Die

Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. — George Orwell

As we approach this political season, the midterm elections, I find that I am inundated by lies, more lies, and every type of lie conceived by a politician. But I think the most egregious lie concerns the so-called Tea Party. Of which I admit I am one.

What I find most fascinating is the misconception politicians have about this so-called Tea Party, what it is, and what it represents. But first let us start off with the status quo, the existing buffoons of politicians which now control the halls of Washington… and your life… and your dreams… and your paycheck… and your freedoms… and your internet… and your television… and your library… and your car / transportation… and your children… and what you can eat… and the water supplies… and the electricity… and, well the list is almost endless.

We will start with the Democrats. Who are the Democrats? Well if you can think for yourself, if you can think logically, if you can rationalize behavior, if you can analyze speech… WAIT! Those type of individuals are called Independents, what the hell am I thinking? Duh.

Democrats require individuals who are dependent, needy, lazy, on Government welfare, illegal, can’t read, can’t think, believe in abortion, believe Government is the god of all… WAIT A MINUTE! That also describes Republicans! Duh.

Bottom line there is no difference, none, nada, zip, between the “established” parties of today. Neither party stands for anything except the following: Greed, Selfish behavior, Sex, Corruption, More Greed, More Sex, Power, More Power, Lust for Power, godhood, Reliance upon Government, More Greed, did I mention greed?

So the question is: What happens to a good individual when they get elected to the halls of Congress? Why do they change?

The answer: They were always that way, corrupt and greedy for power. They just fooled you into believing they were different so you would vote for them.

Now that we have established who and what the status quo is let us examine the so-called Tea Party. Let us start with the question: Who is the Tea Party?

We are “extremist” because we believe in limiting the reach of the status quo, the typical political critter who honestly believes they know better than you and I in all matters, and will take your freedoms to prove it. And if they can’t take your freedom they’ll buy it. These political critters know the low-information person so well and use it to their lustful advantage.

Need more proof?

If you read the literature sent out by the political critters, of all flavors, you will discover that the Tea Party hates children, are corrupt, evil, the devil incarnate, racist, homophobes, rapist, murderers, thieves, all things evil. Continue on if you can think of more, but you get the idea. In fact according to the political critters ISIS, those animals (sorry, animals are more humane) who decapitate others for their beliefs, are saints compared to the Tea Party.

But that is the mistake all congress critters and the low-information person makes. You see the Tea Party is not an actual party, like the Democrats and Republicans. It has no real party leader because it is not made up of individuals, although many are trying to organize it into a party of individuals. But it’s really not. I suppose that some type of organization is enviable, but it is a futile effort to do so. Why? Because the Tea Party is more, much more. Even people who call themselves the Tea Party sometimes miss the point of what the Tea Party is.

So the overpowering question: What exactly is the Tea Party?

The answer: It is an idea, a concept that has neither mass or weight but a whole lot of power.

Like electricity the Tea Party is electric but unlike electricity it can never die. You see ideas, once created by the human brain and acted upon, cannot die. Ideas always live. Ideas may remain dormant for a period of time, but the energy they possess always remain and at some point will be acted upon, if not by the original creator, by someone who will turn the idea of regaining freedom into reality.

Scary isn’t it. The Tea Party is only energy, energy of an idea. It cannot be destroyed, but it can grow and become more powerful.

Let us take an example: In 1776, using a commonly known date, a group of individuals got together and came up with an idea, an idea of a country controlled by its people, not by a King or Monarch. Let us call these individuals Tea Party advocates, the original Tea Partiers. Does Boston Harbor ring a bell? If not then you are definitely a Democrat, a big government type of individual.

Now these Tea Party advocates had this crazy, wild notion that the main document of the land should be written down on a piece of paper. This document explains, in detail, what the new government COULD NOT DO, and limited what it could. We call this document the Constitution.

Well this just could not stand. Hence these radical Tea Party members must be destroyed. But something strange happened. A new country was born, a country called the United States of America. And it did not matter what the world threw at it; this new country just could not be aborted. Maybe that is why political critters love abortion so much, the murder of innocent babies, as they are really upset that the nation, a nation designed by Divine Providence, just won’t die. So they take it out on those who cannot defend themselves: Babies. But I digress, moving on.

The idea of freedom, self-reliance, and personal responsibility for some crazy, unexplained reason, just will not go away, even after all these years. So it is those who embrace the idea of freedom, self-reliance, and personal responsibility have become the targets of those who would destroy freedom, embrace slavery, and demand to be worshiped as a god. You know, today’s congress critter.

When one denies the concept of the Tea Party they are showing disrespect for the nation and all the blood which has been split defending the very concept of liberty. When a congress critter accuses his/her rival of being influenced by the Tea Party they are admitting their desire to destroy freedom. When a congress critter maintains the destructive nature of the Tea Party they are telling the world of their hate for all who oppose them and their ideas that support the concepts of their definition of independence. Which in reality is anything but.

This concept is applicable to most of the congress critters, Republicans and Democrats, since both parties appear, and often confirm their hatred for an independent thinker. This is verified when you watch the actions of the typical congress critter. When the congress critter refuses to stop abuse (Obamacare), when the congress critter calls an individual “racist” because he/she embraces the concept of freedom (Tea Party), when the congress critter attacks those who want lower taxes (high taxes are an obligation), then you know the congress critter, deep down within their heart, hates this country and all it stands for. After all the congress critter and their disciples know how to live your life better than you do. And they do their best to sell you this hog slop. But as a Tea Party thinker, you and I know better.

So who is a typical Tea Party individual?

In simple terms we are individuals who believe in Divine Providence, a power much higher than mortal man.

We are individuals who respect Nature, but know that Nature can eliminate mankind anytime she wants, like she did the dinosaurs. We respect the environment unlike the typical Occupy Wall Street (OWS) individual. We have and respect our jobs, compared to the average OWS individual who has no idea what a job is.

The average Tea Party individual is a person who loves their families, their children, and who honor and respect their own parents.

We are individuals who believe we are a good country, we defend those who cannot defend themselves, we destroy evil, and we are not responsible for the history of our country which happened long before we were born. But we are not afraid to learn from our history so that we may never repeat the mistakes made. We have no guilt about being an American, and we detest Political Correctness in all its forms.

We hate nothing except the greed and power lust of congress critters who demand to control every aspect of our life. We embrace the human being but detest those who prey upon the innocent. We demand justice when called for but hate the lies from those who protect the guilty and vilify the innocent and victims.

We read the Bible, learning the lessons it teaches.

We listen to talk radio because we know truth when we hear it. We refuse to believe the main stream media but also know how to keep an open mind and separate fact from fiction.

We give to a charity of our choice, and we often give more than the typical congress critter would ever give. How much has John McCain given to charity by the way?

We believe in the sanctity of life and question the true motives of those who don’t. Why murder innocent babies? And don’t tell me a baby is not a living thing.

We never believe a typical congress critter, but we also know and separate those who embrace the concepts of the Tea Party ideology of freedom and limited government and those who don’t.

But above all – We are individuals, self-reliant, and a major threat to the status quo.

The Tea Party is not going away. We will never go away because good solid dreams of freedom and independence can never die.  And that scares the hell out of the political critters. It might also explain why political critters hate Christianity so much and are willing to embrace the agenda god of liberalism. Republicans included.


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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