The year 2021 is coming to a close and I leave it with mixed feelings, sorta. This year was not as bad as 2020 but it contained it’s challenges.
The year started off with us (my wife and I) getting our Covid shots. There are mixed emotions about that but for us our doctor suggested we vaccinate because of health reasons. Which is fine but I ain’t getting that third shot. I don’t trust it.
Still I am not letting that issue get me down as I have plans for 2022. Updating my website is at the top of my list of things to do. I have neglected that issue far too long. I also have additional plans which I need to be address. You may call these resolutions but to me they are just a continuation of actions past.
I am on vacation now and this time off has helped me a great deal. I did not realize how burned out I was and this free time has been a blessing.
So with that I will leave with this: Do not fear the future for we are the future and those who want to destroy us do not understand us and our resolve to be free. But they are soon to find out.
PSĀ Just a reminder you can also catch me on Gab. The site of real free speech.