There is nothing permanent except change. — Heraclitus
Now is the time for change, a small change, a big change, many changes. Whatever it may be change is the only constant.
To that end you may notice the blog has changed appearance. As much as I liked the old style it has come to my attention that a change is required. That is something I should have learned at the beginning of this year. I had many plans for this blog then, back in January 2022, but they got waylaid when I came down with covid.
Then I lost track of time and before I knew it the month of November 2022 is upon me, and it is almost gone.
For the past several months I have examined my website and have concluded that it too needs change. A big change, or rather an update.
The Need to Update
I like my current website. I like the way it looks, the way it feels, but technology is passing me by and what worked in the past does not work today. So it too must be updated. Hence I must update myself. This may include returning to Facebook and Twitter. Not something I want to do but with Elon now owning Twitter, maybe my tweets will get read. I was shadow banned so we shall see how this situation works out.
My main website shall also change, sometime after the first of the year. Like in January 2023. I am committing myself to it. How it changes is something I am still working on. It took months to get my current website to the place it is now, and even then it continued to evolve. I expect the same to happen now with my new changes/overhaul.
There are other issues I have to consider as well, the problem is I am not sure what they all are yet. I will discover them as time moves on and I am sure they will take me by surprise.
One thing I am sure of, the theme of this website, The Politics of Self-Improvement, shall remain constant. I have a lot to say about a lot of things and the current political environment is just too rich to pass up.
So stay tuned, we are just getting warmed up and change is beginning to happen.