The time is coming … Are you ready?
Ideas and Concepts Worth Thinking About
The time is coming … Are you ready?
Now that I’m getting serious(?) about these blogs I guess it is time to give you an update of my progress. Continue reading “The Update Saga”
Getting ready for what exactly?
I am on the last week of my vacation and it has been relaxing, non-eventful, and productive all at the same time. It has been a good vacation. A much needed vacation from a stressful year. Continue reading “Getting Ready for 2022”
How dare you:
How dare you do all these things! Continue reading “How Dare You!”
I have been observing the main stream media (MSM) and their obsession in trying to destroy Donald Trump. They cannot get over the fact Hillary lost. There are many reasons Hillary lost but one reason, obscure to be sure, she may have lost is because of the MSM. Continue reading “Prediction”
I guess the global warming crowd would call this… global warming. Me… I call it summer.
It is hot and humid for this part of the country, Southern California. True we are in a desert but here along the coast the climate stays fairly comfortable. I’m further inland so our temperatures do get a little higher. Still what is intriguing about this year is the humidity… very unusual. Which makes me think, from experience, that we may be in for a very wet winter. Only time will tell. Continue reading “Hot, Very Hot, and No Water”
I just got through watching the first Republican debate and I found it… interesting. Not Reagan but interesting. So am I for? Continue reading “Who Really Won the Political Debate?”
I have been working with WordPress trying to update some elements of my blog. Most of this work has been done in my main blog, The Politics of Self-Improvement. I finally got it where I want it, visually wise. Still it is what I don’t know which is killing me. Lack of knowledge can be a hindrance.
WELCOME! This is my Quick Blog and this post is the first of many mini blogs to come. For it is here I am going to create and write down my random thoughts of the day to share with one and all. Ain’t that a kick in the browser.
Everyday I have several thoughts about politics, life, family, the social net, the world in general. Many of these thoughts are just simple sentences or a couple of paragraphs which don’t warrant a complete blog entry but are still important enough to share.
The thoughts are random and many will be without rhyme or reason. Some may be long entries but I suspect most will be short, sweet, and to the point… or not.
I hope you enjoy the entries and don’t be bashful about sharing them.