I don’t mind comments if they are valid and worthwhile. But I will not tolerate spam. Hence no more comments. I’m too old, too cranky, and too conservative to put up with the BS that these smart asses want to impose. Continue reading “Forgettaboutit”
Time in a Concept
When I look back at the timeline for my website I discover that it has not moved an inch since October 2014. I have many excuses for this but not a valid reason. I just let time get away from me, or another way of putting it is I mismanaged my time. Continue reading “Time in a Concept”
Not to Complain…
But this flu bug is really nasty. I’m in good health and it kicked me on my ass, which is saying something. It knocked me out of work for over a week, placing all my work on hold.
I have been out of it longer than I like and even now I am not 100%. I say again this bug is bad, and yes I had the flu shot but it has proven to be worthless this year. Continue reading “Not to Complain…”
Well Version 2 of GPMCC is launched. It’s not complete but the core is up and running. There are some minor cosmetic changes which are very evident but most of the improvements are on the back end as usual. Continue reading “Finally…”
Website Changes
It’s getting real close for Version 2 of GPMCC to launch. While not all themes will be available to start they will be activated over time. Much of this has to do with adding new concepts, revising existing data, and deleting obsolete information.
Hence keep an eye (and mouse) out for the update. It will not be earth shaking, ground-breaking, or revolutionary, but it will be leaner, cleaner, and easier to navigate. Not to mention easier to update on the back end.
By the way Happy New Year and may 2015 smile kindly upon you.
Latest Developments for GPMCC
I have been working with WordPress trying to update some elements of my blog. Most of this work has been done in my main blog, The Politics of Self-Improvement. I finally got it where I want it, visually wise. Still it is what I don’t know which is killing me. Lack of knowledge can be a hindrance.
Cable vs Satellite
I have an issue with my cable company – IT’S TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE!
Oh that feels much better. Anyway I have been thinking about moving over to satellite. Now there are only two major satellite companies to consider and I looked at them both.
First things first: Technology
I know that the technology of satellite is good. Excellent in fact. Hence the argument between cable and satellite technology is actually mute because there is no real difference between the two technologies. Both are reliable in every aspect of the word. So in my research I have found that overall the technology is matched evenly.
So if the difference isn’t technology what is it?
Life Events
Life often has a way of kicking you in the teeth when you least expect it. Such has been the year of 2014 for us. The death of our daughter Ana has had an effect that often leaves us wondering about many things. But not only us others have experienced horrors beyond belief, horrors that are politically driven. But more of that in my main blog.
A lot of things are happening and happening fast in my life these days. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with all that is happening.
Currently I’m in the middle of making major format changes to the main website and that takes a lot of time. Then I am facing other inconveniences which take time to correct. Nothing I can’t handle but I do have to prioritize my list of things to do.
Da Browsers
Because I develop my own website I have to test each change in various browsers. Hence I have the main ones loaded: Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, and Safari. Well one thing is for sure, in my humble opinion, and my opinion ONLY, Safari and Opera ARE PIECES OF JUNK!