Life Events

Life often has a way of kicking you in the teeth when you least expect it. Such has been the year of 2014 for us. The death of our daughter Ana has had an effect that often leaves us wondering about many things. But not only us others have experienced horrors beyond belief, horrors that are politically driven. But more of that in my main blog.

While life can throw you a curve ball it can also throw you softballs. Life can be illuminating, satisfying, and beautiful all at the same time. Hence it is not what life throws at you but rather how you respond, not react, to the events of life. Our loss has caused us to re-examine ours to be sure but it also made us realize that one moment we are here, and the next we are gone. It is as if we never existed.

The events of our lives can can be summed up in one simple question:

Have you lived this day the best you can?

How you answer that question determines the quality of your life, and how you will be remembered.
