The Greedy Rich

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying. — Joan of Arc

Are you rich? If not you should be. This article isn’t about getting rich rather this article is addressed to those who are rich, those who have money already but feel that something is missing from their life.

Today there is a push to demonize those who have money. You are called greedy, evil, rotten, selfish, and a host of other names to numerous and demeaning to mention here. But you have heard them and these terms make you feel inferior and guilty.

My question is why? What are you guilty of? What do you have to feel guilty about? Because you have money, that is why you feel guilty?

Let me ask you some basic questions: Did you earn your money dishonestly? Did you cheat others? Are you a greedy trial lawyer? Are you in the illegal drug trade? Did you intentionally hurt people when you made your money? Did you steal your fortune? If you answered no to any and all of these questions then move on to the next set.

Did you earn your money honestly? Did you give excellent value for the price of your product or service? Did you provide honest work for your income? Did you spend hours, days, weeks, months and years learning your trade? Did you sacrifice to get where you are today? If you answered yes to these questions – JUST WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO FEEL GUILTY ABOUT?

You have been called the one percenter because you worked for your money. Nobody gave you nothing. Unlike the silver spooners nothing was handed to you on a silver platter. Every dime you earned you gave the most precious gift of all: Your time. You traded hours, days, months, and years of your life to get to where you are today. And you feel guilty?

The demonization of guilt began long ago and it began with those who had money. For some reasons these greedy bastards decided you should not have a great life rather you should be thankful that you received the pittance you are getting.

And who is telling you this? The rich of course. But not just any rich, the liberal rich. Those individuals who actually stole their money from the poor. But they call this form of thievery compassion. These people never worked a day in their life for the money they received. It was given to them by their daddy, their rich relatives. Or they took it from taxes they imposed upon the populous.

Then you have the movie stars. Individuals who did work for their money but then decided you don’t deserve to be rich, that is you don’t deserve money. But they will gladly take yours at the box office.

These are the individuals who make movies depicting how horrible the country is, the Michael Moore’s if you will. “Don’t tax me, just everyone else.”

These people have the philosophy that my money is mine and your money is ours. Most people call this marriage but in the political world it is called liberalism.

Thus you are made to feel guilty because they themselves, the liberal elites, did steal their wealth and if they did so must you have as well. These are the same people who would not recognize an honest day’s work if it hit them smack in the face. They are also the same people who have no idea how to earn an honest dollar or how to make a living out of nothing. They could not survive in the real world. You can, you have, and you could do it again.

With this current crop of Democrats in office today, and with the support of the Barrack Obama Propaganda Machine, formerly known as the main stream media, led by the agenda driven New York Times, they tell you just how horrible you are because you built a business and somebody else didn’t.

You are at fault for earning money. You are greedy for not giving your hard earned money away to the lazy bums of the liberal party. You are at fault because you stole all your money, “You didn’t build that” rather you were given it by the state. Thus you are a horrible person.

All this sound familiar? It should you been exposed heavily to it for the last five years. But what bothers me is you are beginning to believe it, the hype and the lies. And that scares the hell out of me.

You are special, you are unique like everyone else on this planet, but you, you took your uniqueness and decided to do something with it, you built a life for you and your family. And that life is now being ripped from you, one dollar bill at a time. And you permit it.

Fear enters your soul because the Barrack Obama Propaganda Machine, formerly known as the main stream media, led by the agenda driven New York Times tells you, condemns you for “stealing” from the bums who they call the “innocent victims” of our time.

These rats do not know the word shame, it is a foreign word which conveys no meaning to them. But it does to you. So let me reassure you that you are not, and have absolutely no reason to feel guilty about anything. If you were honest in making your money then you become a target for these self-righteous bastards.

These are the same type of people who think drugs, immorality, sin, and evil are the hip things to do in this country. Unfortunately for them, and hopeful for us this type of living will come back and bite them big time. The only question is when.

And when these elitist fall, they will fall hard and the pain will be so severe, so mind-numbing they won’t know what to do. Such is the power of reality.

It does not matter what people think of you. It does not matter if they consider you and your plans that of a crank. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. How much do you believe in yourself? How much do you believe in your dream?

I told you at the beginning of this article it was aimed at the rich among us, well I lied. This article is aimed at anyone who wants to be rich, to have money, a lot or just enough to live comfortably. That is your choice for it does not belong to the Occupy Wall Street crowd or the Barrack Obama Propaganda Machine, formerly known as the main stream media, led by the agenda driven New York Times. It does not belong to the political elites or the Hollywood crowd. It belongs to you, your dream, your vision, your life.

You must keep faith in yourself, you must never lose confidence, and above all you must never allow anybody to tell you that you cannot be rich. You may lose all but as long as you maintain a powerful faith and unshakeable belief then the world will, not could, not may, but will open up for you. This is a law of the universe and no man, no political machine can ever destroy this law. No matter how hard they try. The only one who can destroy this mandate of life is you, and you alone. Don’t.

Great deeds, great civilizations have been created by normal individuals just like you. Don’t throw that heritage away but rather cling to it for dear life. Your life.

I believe in you, I never lose faith in you, and if you are already rich I admire you. Because if you can achieve, than so can I. And that is what it is all about.


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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