Self and Country

Democracy is cumbersome, slow and inefficient, but in due time, the voice of the people will be heard and their latent wisdom will prevail. — Thomas Jefferson

The biggest enemy we have facing this country today is not al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups, no the biggest threat we face today is ourselves. We as a country have determined to commit suicide and die.

Strong words? I don’t think so. All I have to do is look around and see the politics of today, and what games the politicians are playing with our lives. The suicide part comes in because we are allowing them to get away with it.

The main stream media has betrayed the very fabric of the Constitution so they are a major player in our suicide pact. The so-called “ethical journalist” are nothing more than shrills for a philosophy of self-annihilation. And they are happy to participate, willingly. Their desire to see this country die is both sad and maddening at the same time, but that is not surprising given the destructive force running rampant in today’s main stream media.

So what brought all this doom and gloom on? Well for starters it’s not doom and gloom; in fact it is just the opposite. What I am observing is desperation, total and complete desperation by a political party, the administration, and the main stream media. Desperation rooted in fear of losing power and the repudiation of the socialist philosophy.

When I started this blog I mentioned, on this blogs home page, how politics and self-worth are intertwined with each other. Both play a powerful part in the development or destruction of this country. Today we are being pitted against each other via the “class-envy” element. This strategy works because many people feel helpless in their day-to-day life. The reason for this feeling of helplessness is because no one is telling them just how powerful they are, and how valuable their contribution to life can be and actually is. These people drift from day-to-day not realizing they are being used and manipulated by politicians and the main stream media. In short the people of this country are being made to look like fools, and I don’t use that word lightly. For God said that those who call another a fool will be in danger of hell fire. But fool is the only word that fits the situation, so fools the population is becoming.

It is hard to realize there are people in this country, people in powerful positions who want this country to fall and fall hard. The concept is so alien that we refuse to acknowledge it. Therein is the root of the problem. The Constitution granted the press the power to keep an eye on politicians but never was the concept considered that the press itself would become as wicked, or more so, than the politicians it was assigned to watch.

Still there is hope in the wind, a hope that scares the hell out of the political elite and main stream media. This hope is called the Tea Party and now, today, this very day, tactics are underway to undermine what the “Tea Party” stands for and how insignificant they are becoming. Well let me help shed some light on the subject and why the elitist should be terrified of this force.

First what is the “Tea Party”? If you listen to the elitist and main stream media they are nothing but a set of kooks out to destroy the nation. And you may buy into that rationalization if you only listen to the main stream media. But now let me tell you what the Tea Party is, and then you can decide who you are.

Who is the face of the Tea Party, what do they look like, and what kind of people are they? Well the explanation is simple: If you look at your child and have love for your child, you are a Tea Partier. If you walk down the street and see someone in need and help that person, you are a Tea Partier. If you have a sense of pride when you see the American flag, you are a Tea Partier. If you enjoy a family movie, you are a Tea Partier. If you get angry at the price of gas, you are a Tea Partier. If you pray, you are a Tea Partier. If you hold the door open for others, you are a Tea Partier. If you go to the library, for any reason, you are a Tea Partier. If you fasten your seat belt when driving, you are a Tea Partier. If you enjoy good wholesome conversation and barbeques, you are a Tea Partier. If you attend school plays and parent-teacher conferences, you are a Tea Partier. If you like picnics, you are a Tea Partier. If you look at the stars and wonder what else is out there, you are a Tea Partier. If you are in awe at the majesty of the bald eagle, you are a Tea Partier. If you help your neighbor, in any way, you are a Tea Partier. If you have compassion for anybody, and you give to your favorite charity, you are a Tea Partier. If you get angry at politicians who ignore the will of the people, you are a Tea Partier. If you get angry at judges who overthrow the will of the people, you are a Tea Partier. If you get angry that you can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance, or pray at a football game, or some other sporting event, you are a Tea Partier. If you complain about the school system teaching your child immoral behavior, only to be dismissed like a piece of trash, you are a Tea Partier. If you take care of your yard, you are a Tea Partier. If you believe in yourself and your own abilities, you are a Tea Partier. If you write your congressman, you are a Tea Partier. If you vote, you are a Tea Partier. But most of all, if you love your country and want to see it survive, you are a Tea Partier.

This is only a partial list of who the Tea Party is. It gets a lot deeper. The elitist wants the Tea Party to die, but it never will. The politicians themselves unleashed this Genie and it will never be put in back in the bottle again. We are out here, just under the radar waiting, waiting for the day in November when we will gladly hand many of the politicians their pink slips.


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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