Politics and Self-Worth

Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable. – George S. Patton

I have always believed the people of this country are great and dependable. And you know something I still believe that. There is however a rotten apple in the bushel and it is spoiling the entire crop.

I am of course talking about our political leaders, at least most of them.

For decades our leaders have led us down a path which will ultimately lead to our destruction. As long as the politician stayed in power the ultimate truth didn’t matter. Hence many a politician convinced themselves they were working for the good of the people and thus their policies were aimed at “helping the little people,” or so they told us. The truth is, the policies only helped the politician and his/her pocketbook and never once help those in real need. Yet we were convinced otherwise by the powers that be.

I got to thinking about why the people were “convinced” and more importantly how. The why is really simple – people want to believe that our elected leaders have the best interest of the country in their heart. People refuse to believe that an elected official would really want to destroy the very country which gave him/her birth. The concept is so disturbing to even consider, so people continue to believe that elected leaders are acting in the country’s best interest.

Numbers don’t lie and today this country is in real peril, we have a danger of engaging in self-destruction such as we see in Europe today. There are many reasons for this but I believe that only a few, maybe less than half a dozen are manipulating the situation. I can’t prove this of course but my instinct tells me this is true.

I’m not going to go into who may be manipulating the situation but rather how the people are being influenced. For decades the political forces in this country and around the world have steadily eroded the human psyche. Removing prayer from our schools was the beginning of this decline followed by the bastardized phrase “separation of church and state.” A slow but deliberate push to undermine education was introduced and enhanced over the course of many decades. It is now at the point where graduating students do not even know how to read, write, or do basic math.

In addition to down grading education a series of indoctrination courses were introduced (and it still continues to this day) removing courses which taught self-reliance with courses which taught self-indulgence. Students graduated from schools with only one thought in mind: What’s in it for me?

Like a malicious weed the belief that this country owes us a living has taken root and is killing the crop, a crop which provides self-worth, self-reliance and a good future. It doesn’t matter that the country cannot afford the policies lately enacted all that matters is the attitude of “give it to me or else.” In London we are witnessing “or else” syndrome being played out.

The psyche of the human being has not changed much since the beginning of time meaning mankind is still a barbarian in many ways. The desire to enslave others is a strong force and very much alive, not only in the world but also in this country. And we are discovering that this concept is horrifying to a whole lot of Americans.

Our Founding Fathers knew the dangers that man, especially evil men, could inflict on each other. Hence they devised a method to keep any one person from gaining power and enslaving the nation. The freedom of the press was given special consideration as it was the means to hold politicians accountable for their actions. What the Founding Fathers never considered was it would be the press themselves, the main stream media, which would eventually embrace the very evil the Founders wanted to prevent.

The destruction came upon us ever so slowly as the concept of our self-worth was stripped away little-by-little until nothing much remains. Yet as I watch the current events unfolding I am seeing other actions take place which the manipulators of this disaster never considered or saw coming. Americans are rising up and fighting the “status quo.”

This resistance has taken the architects’ of our destruction by complete surprise and they are at a loss on how to deal with it. Riots are occurring in London and elsewhere because Europe is composed of a monarchy not a Constitution. Our founding document is the bane of evil men everywhere and our elected leaders, no matter how hard they try, are finding that Americans are not going to support a regime which undermines the country.

I firmly believe 9/11 changed the fabric of this country forever. The attacks upon our way of life opened the eyes of many and that Genie can never be returned to the bottle again. It is true we let our elected leaders deal with the situation but now we are discovering our elected leaders are the problem and not the solution.

The message that we need government to survive is not playing very well to America as a whole. Only the elitist believe government is the answer to our problems and force their solution upon us. However people are getting tired of government being in their way a fact which was driven home just recently when the elitist woke up and discovered their tactics to change a qualified and duly elected state senate went down in flames. I refer to the election in Wisconsin.

Individual self-worth is alive and well in this country contrary to what the politicians, news pundits, and main stream media types tell you, or try to tell you. The situation is, while individual self-worth is alive it is very quiet and staying just under the radar. For now. The reason for this is because we, and others like me, are too busy trying to feed our families and keep the credit wolf at bay. But we pay attention to what is going on and we know that at the appropriate time our voices will rise and the elitist of the world will tremble at our roar.

We, the average American, we the people who really love our country and want our children to succeed, and we the people will speak at the chosen time because we know our self-worth and the power of our vote.

Self-worth is alive and kicking, self-worth is a power any individual can tap into and utilize to their betterment. Self-worth is a belief, an unshakable belief in one’s self, knowledge that anything is possible, including fighting back the demon of despair and entitlements.

We fight the fight because we believe in ourselves not the government. Yes there is real danger that we could lose the country thus we must be constantly vigilant in what our elected leaders are doing and hold them accountable for their actions. Failure to do so could and will spell our doom, self-worth notwithstanding.


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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