A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues. — Theodore Roosevelt
I noticed our beloved Congress has avoided the fiscal cliff, or so the mendacious main stream media would have you believe. Too bad you can’t trust the main stream media with the truth. And what is the truth? Hell I don’t know, there are so many lies floating around out there it appears the truth has been buried and lost. So I may not know exactly what the truth is but I can observe and report my observations to you.
Welcome to my first post of 2013, a year which will prove to be most interesting, if not down-right challenging.
If you listen and read carefully to what the main stream media is reporting you will notice the same verbiage repeated over and over: The Congress is working tirelessly to avert the fiscal cliff… spending the holidays working for the American people… Sacrificing time with their family…
You get the drift. What they don’t mention is the fact this congress is the same congress who caused the fiscal cliff in the first place and the main stream media is the very same main stream media who purposely neglected… sorry rather forgot to tell you this little fact.
There is no reason this country should be in this situation, unless it is by design. As I was thinking about this post I realized, remembered, thought about just how devious our politicians are. Yet not only our politicians the main stream media is also to blame. The media outlets of today have an agenda and that agenda is the destruction of America.
I know they deny that statement but the end result is going to be the same: Lie and obscure the facts from the American people and you cause the destruction of the country. Cause and effect.
The Constitution gave the media, the newspapers, the power it has for one reason and one reason only: To hold our elected representatives accountable for their actions. They have been charged to inform the people what the politicians were doing, to reflect their actions with facts and facts only. It would then be up to the people to decide if the actions of the politician was in the best interest of the country or not.
Yet over the years the main stream media began to avoid their responsibility and developed an attitude which in turned became an agenda. The agenda: To empower one group of politicians over another. The result: To embellish the lies of the favored group as the truth and demean the truths of the un-favored group as lies and distortions.
And that is where we are this day.
In order to achieve this outcome the forces of destruction have worked tirelessly for decades to ensure our education system is rigged to demean and destroy the Constitution. Hence the fiscal cliff and the result of that fall could be the destruction of this once great nation.
I’m not being melodramatic with this statement just observing. Like our ancestors observed the sky and the stars in order to navigate the world we can observe the actions of the main stream media in forming the destruction of the nation. It is no more complicated than that.
So what to do? Well we are not destroyed yet so we still have hope but a lot of challenges ahead of us. While half the country believes they will receive their Obamaphones with the re-election of President Obama the reality will soon prove to be something much different. If you are aware of this chain of events you can do something to protect yourself and your family from the coming pain.
What specifically can you do? You can choose not to participate in the coming financial disaster. How? You can choose to earn more money by applying simple yet effective conservative techniques to your life.
Now it will not be easy and the obstacles could be enormous. Still you have to start somewhere and that somewhere is with yourself. You need to have faith in two objects: Divine Providence and yourself.
Once you accept the power of Divine Providence you can begin to believe in your own abilities and talents. This leads to another step: Avoid the main stream media as much as possible. I didn’t say avoid the news I said the main stream media. Quit watching CNN, MSNBC, CBS and the others. You don’t need them as they have turned the procedure of brainwashing into an art form.
There are numerous news sources, honest news sources, available for you to listen to and read. If you find an article of significant importance verify it with at least two other sources of the same story. If at least three stories on the same subject are in harmony then you can be pretty confident that the story is legit.
When I learned that little trick a few years ago my entire mindset began to change – for the better. This trick changed my life and it can change yours.
After you accept the fact you are a very special person with very special talents you can move on to building your life while avoiding the pain of the fiscal cliff. I have come to the conclusion this fiscal cliff is for the low-life’s and the low-informed voter. If you are currently in this situation you can change and move out of this scum-pond and into a much better way of life.
I mentioned this year is going to be interesting so I want to share what I see on the horizon. For starters the low-life’s, the unions, and the low-informed voters are on the verge of self-destruction. Granted it will not happen for a few more years but they will not receive the very elements they feel are owed them. The money is just not there. Yet the lessons of American exceptionalism will not be learned until the pain of life has become so great for them they find they must change their mental attitude in order to survive. Some will, many won’t. the question I have is which group will you fall into?
For me and my family I intend to make myself better this year. I had the same resolution last year and I kept it, but there is always room to improve. More individual training (thanks to Lynda.com), more reading (thanks to the library), more writing, and most important more Bible study will be my tasks this year.
Why Bible study? No greater book has ever been written and if you are to avoid the fiscal cliff you need something far more powerful to believe in than the promise of a free Obamaphone. The Obamaphone will pass into obscurity, the promise given by Divine Providence will never pass. The only question is are you smart enough to realize and grab it.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. This is what God intended and if you are stupid enough not to realize it and take advantage of all the universe has to offer than you will suffer the effects of the fiscal cliff.
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So how do I know that God exists? Simple, there is no way I could ever write these words without His guiding hand. That is just a side thought, but an interesting observation.
Back to the matter at hand, you have the choice to live free or die in servitude. The progressive agenda is to control every aspect of your life from birth to death. That is if you survive birth. The progressive agenda is to also to kill as many innocent babies as possible while calling this mass extinction “a woman’s free choice.” They also call it compassion.
The progressive agenda, supported and maintained by the main stream media is to tell you what to believe, how to act, what is good and what is evil. On this point consider what a progressive considers evil:
- Family values
- Morals and ethics
- Christianity
- Wealth
- Free choice
- Business
- The Second Amendment
- Christmas and Easter
- Traditional American Values
So what do they consider good:
- Pot smoking and drugs
- Prostitution
- Murder on demand (abortion)
- Gay rights
- A religion which promotes murder
- Hollywood
And the list continues.
So here we are at the beginning of the new year, 2013 and the arrival of the fiscal cliff. What will you do about it? I made my choice and I am facing and working hard to overcome the obstacles I face. I will survive 2013 because I finally realized one little fact:
The number 13 is my lucky number.