The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. — H. L. Mencken
What makes’ America exceptional is her people, not the politicians. Each individual in this country is guaranteed the opportunity to achieve any goal they set for themselves. Notice I said the opportunity not the right to achieve. There is a huge difference between the two, like noon and midnight.
Each individual who lives in this country has a choice, in fact several choices: They can become great, average, or mediocre, or anywhere in-between. No one forces them to do something they don’t want to do, at least that is the way it’s supposed to work. Unfortunately politicians and other undesirables have a different view of the situation.
Today’s politicians feel that only government and government programs can ensure your happiness. Only the government can create fairness for all. Only the government knows what is best for you. And so policies and regulations are written to suppress individuality and promote “fairness” for all. But in the process of creating fairness these policies and regulations destroy the very thing they are trying to promote, fairness.
Human beings, especially Americans are not a one-size-fits all breed. We are unique because our Constitution guarantees us specific elements of life and limits the scope of government at the same time. It is this limitation of government which drives the political elites and liberal privileged crazy.
Question, do you love your country? Then you should know that this country’s leaders do not love freedom. Such a statement is very easy to verify, consider to following issues:
- Politicians want to “amend” the first amendment in order to limit free speech they disagree with.
- Politicians want to put black boxes in your car so they can monitor where and how much you drive.
- Politicians want you to submit to strip searches in airports, train stations and soon to come, random highway stops.
- Politicians want high gas prices in order to force you into relying upon public transportation, thus giving up your freedom of movement.
- Politicians coerce you to keep accurate records so they may audit you and keep you submissive to the government and the whims of a bureaucrat.
- Politicians place regulatory burdens on business in order to keep unemployment high in order to ensure the population must rely upon government handouts.
- Politicians support the murder of unborn children, recently born children, and do nothing to protect children.
- Politicians encourage you to remain poor so that you must rely upon the “benevolence” of their generosity.
- Politicians encourage you to hate your neighbor, envy your neighbor, and falsely accuse your neighbor, all in the name of fairness.
- Politicians demand that you trust them to protect you from life.
- Politicians know how to live your life better than you.
- Politicians believe that the Constitution must be destroyed and a new “up-to-date” version substituted, one that “keeps up with the times” according to the elites definition.
- Politicians believe that you work for them.
- Politicians feel that Christmas should be eliminated from the American way of life. It is after all a Christian holiday.
- Politicians know what kind of car you should own and drive and will move heaven and earth until you bend to their demands.
- Politicians hate and work to destroy American exceptionalism.
- Politicians hate American ingenuity and do everything they can to destroy it.
- Politicians don’t trust people, especially the American people.
- Politicians believe that if you did not graduate from Harvard you are inferior.
- Politicians know they are safe from scrutiny by the main stream press, and will never be held accountable for their actions. And they are right.
- Politicians do not want you to succeed and constantly place barriers in your way to prevent it.
A politician knows that if you become successful and self-sufficient you become dangerous… to them. The political climate of today cannot allow you to better yourself in any way. Thus politicians create a climate to discourage you from thinking for yourself, to better yourself, to become more than you currently are. Elites encourage you to think dumb, which is provable simply by examining the current crop of television programs which now rule the airwaves.
There use to be a time when we looked up to those who made something of themselves, but now we employ class envy to destroy the pursuit of the American dream. Hence the American dream is now becoming the American nightmare and this suits the political class just fine.
All parties are responsible for this mess we are in, but ultimately the true culprits are us, the voter. We keep voting these people back into office and thus they begin to believe that they are all-powerful gods who control life and death, rich and poor. At least this is the impression they give to real Americans.
With a compliant and lapdog news media the con artists who occupy the halls of Washington will never be held accountable for their misdeeds, not until there is no choice any way. There is one major exception to this rule – if you are a Conservative than you are responsible for all the evils in the world. Period.
There are a few elected officials who really try to change things, to make our lives better, but in accordance with Con-Job 101 these elected few must be destroyed and eliminated so as not upset the status quo as established by the political elite.
So what can little ole us do? It is simple: First learn. Learn what the politicians are doing and how they are giving you a shaft job, raping you while at the same time telling you that your rape is good for you so shut up and enjoy it. You must learn exactly what it is these charlatans stand for and be prepared to vote them out of office.
Second: You are an American which means you can have the American dream regardless of what some politician tells you. And how do you achieve this? You must become rich because that is the only way to make a politician nervous. If you become rich you can scare the hell out of a politician and watch them squirm for once.
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Third: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Don’t trust a politician because they have only one goal in mind: To keep you in servitude to them.
Fourth: Believe in the Constitution. We have the greatest form of government the world has ever seen but the con men and crooks who currently occupy the halls of Washington are giving it a bad name. These charlatans must be voted out of office and fresh blood elected in.
Fifth: Be afraid, very afraid of a politician and their words. When a politician tells you that the first amendment must be changed in order to promote “civility” understand the real meaning – slavery and imprisonment! For You! A politician does not like it when you criticize them thus they feel they must control what you say. The first amendment is designed to tell our leaders they are screwed up and must change their ways or pay the price at the voting booth.
Accountability is something the current crop of political leaders cannot tolerate, and will not tolerate if given the chance to change it. Don’t give them the chance. Improve yourself, become rich, become a dangerous force of information and influence to others.
You are unique, you are American, and you deserve the American dream. A politician’s definition of fairness is the antithesis of freedom and the dream. The political elite do not know what is “good” for you, only you and you alone can determine that. So what gives the elite the right to tell you the dream of a better life is not for you?
The solution to such coercion is simple: Fight back – Get rich!