Time To Evaluate the Priorities, Our Priorities

It is the middle of 2024 and time moves forward at warp speed. Or so it seems like it. The older I get the faster time moves, and it moves forward never backward. I know it is 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and 52 weeks per year. Still the perception of time is individual and to me it moves very, very fast. So fast I lose track of it sometimes. Not this year, this year I have to evaluate the…

The Future of Life

The most important election of my lifetime is rapidly approaching and it is time to evaluate where I stand… where you stand.

Me… I’m voting for the outlaw Donald Trump. Period.

You can vote who you want to but you better ask yourself a simple question: Do you want liberty or death? Freedom or slavery? And don’t think it can’t happen, it can, it has to past civilizations.

Have you forgotten about how good your life was 5 years ago, how cheap gas was, the cost of eggs and milk, just forget about all that… Instead consider the only true question: Do you want to live or die?

The Evil of Politicians

I’m not going to discuss how we got to this mess that is a subject for future historians to determine. Just understand the democrats, and many rinos, will kill you if given the opportunity. Why? The lust for power, the greed of money. No more complicated than that. The only thing stopping them right now is you. Forget Trump, he is only the way… you are the target. If you can’t see that then you desire death; for yourself, for your family. If you don’t tow the line you are the enemy.

One morning you are sitting on top of the world but later that same morning you find yourself in the concentration camp, just like the J6’ers. Freedom is only one election away.

Now it is not going to stay that way but it will take a Civil War to correct it, and during that period of time China and Russia will attack and the nukes may fall. But we will endure, us the ones who believe in freedom. What will happen to the democrats and rinos? Don’t know, but it won’t be pretty.

Changing Direction

I can’t read the future but I can read the past and those who do not learn from the past will repeat it. The past tells me we are in for one hell of a ride, and it ain’t gonna be fun. But we can change the direction we are heading. IF… WE… VOTE.

Think of the US as the Titanic heading for the iceberg but we know we are on a collision course and if we vote we can correct the course. This election is how we change course, how we fight back against the democrats and republicans who want to enslave us.

I believe in this country, I have to as there is no other place on Earth to go. If the United States falls… Who are you gonna call? Where you gonna go?
