A while back I wrote an article concerning this topic, which you can find here. I’m not going to repeat much of that article but I am going to tell you I did update to satellite and I want to share my experiences with you. Continue reading “Cable vs Satellite Part II”
Latest Developments for GPMCC
I have been working with WordPress trying to update some elements of my blog. Most of this work has been done in my main blog, The Politics of Self-Improvement. I finally got it where I want it, visually wise. Still it is what I don’t know which is killing me. Lack of knowledge can be a hindrance.
Cable vs Satellite
I have an issue with my cable company – IT’S TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE!
Oh that feels much better. Anyway I have been thinking about moving over to satellite. Now there are only two major satellite companies to consider and I looked at them both.
First things first: Technology
I know that the technology of satellite is good. Excellent in fact. Hence the argument between cable and satellite technology is actually mute because there is no real difference between the two technologies. Both are reliable in every aspect of the word. So in my research I have found that overall the technology is matched evenly.
So if the difference isn’t technology what is it?