Lack of Information

It has currently come to my attention that several of life’s elements lacks critical data. For example I went to looking for basic information concerning a checklist which would help me get all my facts together should I drop dead tomorrow. It’s a simple thing what elements should I take care of today so the family will have all the data at their fingertips.

Well… I only found two checklist which is of any value. Both have good data but both are different as well. Now there are tons of sites concerning natural disasters and what one should do, but not a personal “I just dropped dead” type of checklist. Guess I’m going to have to work on that.

The second element is my pool cleaner. I can’t find parts for it and even the manufacturer doesn’t admit it owns the bloody thing! What is up with that. A good swimming pool cleaner but give me a break, where can I find repair parts? A simple question, but no answers.

Frustrating as all get out, but onward and forward.


Hello World!

WELCOME! This is my Quick Blog and this post is the first of many mini blogs to come. For it is here I am going to create and write down my random thoughts of the day to share with one and all. Ain’t that a kick in the browser.

Everyday I have several thoughts about politics, life, family, the social net, the world in general. Many of these thoughts are just simple sentences or a couple of paragraphs which don’t warrant a complete blog entry but are still important enough to share.

The thoughts are random and many will be without rhyme or reason. Some may be long entries but I suspect most will be short, sweet, and to the point… or not.

I hope you enjoy the entries and don’t be bashful about sharing them.
