So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause. — George Lucas
This has been an interesting week for freedom. The most important aspect of the week is the notion that religious organizations must submit to the will of the government. Talk about violating the Constitution, you know that little phrase “separation of church and state,” which elitist are always cramming down our throats. Where’s the ACLU? Where’s the main stream media? I don’t hear anybody standing up condemning this issue, do you? Oh wait, I remember now, it’s because we, the people, the businesses, we don’t know what’s best for us. Only the government politicians know best therefore we must submit to their compassionate viewpoint, all for the safety of women of course. After all having children is a disease we must eradicate from America. Especially black children.
So it is that the political elite knows what is best for everyone, not of their caliber of course. Since compassion and safety are paramount we dare not question their motives, for if we do we shall be branded hypocrites and racist and thus be required to pay a very heavy price for our non-compliance.
Have you ever asked yourself why government types and recipients of taxpayer money are all fired up to kill, make that murder, unborn babies? Could it be that by controlling the population they can control the individual? To make the individual to do exactly what they want, when they want. After all freedom of choice is a crime which cannot be tolerated by an oppressive elitist, who in the name of compassion knows better than we how to live our lives. Another question, when did pregnancy become a disease?
So my question to you is: Why do you permit yourself to be used as a pawn in the scheme of oppression? Why do you listen to politicians who actually believe, with all their heart, that they are superior to you and me? Why do you permit them to carry out their agenda of self-importance by forcing you to submit to their agenda? And you can’t tell me you don’t because you keep voting the same elitist into office election after election.
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Apparently your own self-esteem is so low you need a politician to tell you how to think. You feel important when politicians tell you how to live. You feel wanted when politicians tell you how you should act and what to read and who you should hate. It must build your self-esteem up so much that you have decided to sell your soul to an idea which destroys everything this country stands for. The very same thing happened in Nazi Germany during the 30’s under the reign of what’s his name… The result was the murder of millions innocent men, women, and children. Not to mention a major world war which killed millions of others, in the name of an idea which the population knew, in their heart, to be wrong and evil.
So it is today in this country as the political elites, and the Benedict Arnold’s (formerly known as the main stream media) “brainwash” the masses into believing something the people know to be wrong. But the people go along, to go along. After all it’s cool isn’t it? To go along with the crowd no matter what the final consequences will be. And there will be consequences, huge consequences.
Every choice we make carries with it a consequence of some magnitude. If we submit ourselves into believing that violating the Constitution is good and relying upon the Constitution is bad and evil, then what does that say about us as a country? Very simple, it says that we are, and we should lose our freedom and become like those countries which are oppressed and under the rule of tyrants and dictators. That would be so cool, so hip if this nation had a dictator instead of that pesky freedom of choice thing.
So what could we expect under the rule of a dictator? Oh it would be so great, just think you would need permission to go to a shopping mall. And you could only buy what the state wants, or allows you to buy. See that cute little red dress in the window? Oh wait, you are of the lower class, you don’t qualify for that item. That’s reserved for only those loyal elitist among the population, of which you haven’t qualified for yet.
And what about that mouse in Disneyland? Oh that could never be, after all the amusement park represents freedom of thought and under the new regime that cannot be allowed to continue. After all if Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan don’t have a Disneyland why should America? No, no, no. Those amusement parks, all amusement parks, they just have to go. Just the way it is in the new America.
What about transportation? Simple, the choice of automobile can never be allowed to continue. Only the government approved form of transportation shall be allowed for the masses. Why do you need a Ford F-150 anyway? And NASCAR, well auto races are just not going to be tolerated at all. Neither will football, baseball or most sports. Maybe basketball will survive. Probably.
Yes under the new rule of law the elitist among us shall live in the lap of luxury and entitlement, oh wait… they’re called business to big to fail. They live the life they believe they deserve while we the underlings pay for it. Just an adjustment we have to make in the new American order.
What about food? Oh, well, that’s easy we will all have to eat only what we are instructed and allowed to eat. Disobedience will not be tolerated, nor will freedom of food choice. And backyard gardens? Oh heaven forbid that could be dangerous to your health. No, you can have only what the FDA and other government entities say you can have and no more.
To think under the new way of life there will be no more evil McDonald’s or Burger King or Pizza Hut or Wendy’s or KFC or any other fast food chain. Not even a Subway, bummer. But that’s the way it shall be. Only those restaurants which meet government approval shall be allowed to remain open, and then only if they meet the specific food requirements. Oh, and don’t forget you must obtain permission to visit the “restaurant of your choice”, after all freedom of choice still remains, as long as it’s government approved.
Movies? Oh movies are going to be great since the people who produce them believe in and support the benevolent new regime. Why just think of all the movies which will contain subliminal messaging embedded in the films telling us how evil freedom is and how great the dictatorship is. I can hardly wait. Oh television will of course carry the same subliminal messaging into your home. After all not everyone can attend a movie. Oh wait! Just a thought, maybe that is already happening being as there is so many people who wants the country to fail. Not government, just the country.
Don’t forget freedom of religion. Only a national church approved by the regime and supported by the main stream media will be allowed in the country. Oh and don’t forget the floor is hard when you bow towards Mecca. Wear appropriate clothing. In fact wear appropriate clothing at all times. Maybe they’ll make the Burka in another color besides black, dark blue maybe. I doubt it.
Yes living under the coming dictatorship is going to be so wonderful we will always wonder how we survived without it. And to think the population supports this coming way of life by constantly relying upon the current state of government for all their needs.
Who needs freedom of choice when you have such a compassionate set of politicians in Washington? These elitist sure know how to treat someone, what with food stamps, free telephones, and free mortgages, who could ask for anything more.
And to think this all was encouraged with the simple encroachment of the government telling religion what they can and cannot do. Supported and endorsed by the main stream media of course. And all in the name of compassion and women’s safety.
So, bottom line: Submit to the new American order or pay the ultimate price… your soul.