Living in Loserville

I felt despair. Though it seems to me now there’s two kinds of it: the sort that causes a person to surrender and then the sort I had which made me take risks and make plans. — Erica Eisdorfer

It appears that the people of this country have spoken and have rejected the founding principles of this nation and embraced the socialist mentality. So be it. I blame the Republican Party for this issue and have taken steps to… cleanse myself of them. After the election was called I got on the California website and changed my party affiliation from Republican to Independent. I am officially an Independent now. In fact I consider myself a Tea Party Independent.

What does that mean for me? I don’t know, at least not at this time, all I know is I have rebelled against the Republicans and have no desire to ever support the party again. Some of the candidates yes, the party itself – no. Why?

I came to realize the Republican Party loves the town of Loserville. They obsess about leaving it; they love it there and have no desire to ever change residence. This is evident in how they vote, who they support, and who they blame for losing. Never in my lifetime has the Republican Party engaged in conservatism or conservative values, in fact the established Republicans abhor conservatives preferring instead the nanny state.

Established Republicans don’t believe in the principles of conservatism and never will. It is quite apparent now especially after the Republican leadership swore they would block any new taxes, then minutes later changed their message to embrace tax increases. With such wimps what can go wrong?

For the Republican Party being liked by the Benedict Arnold’s (formerly known as the main stream media) is more important than American values. It is more important to be invited to the cocktail parties and be well liked on the editorial page than it is to support standards which enhance lives. I just got tired of it and decided not to participate in their “values” any more. So I left.

Yet I also have a confession to make: for a long time I believed that the people of this country, the majority at least, valued the American way of life and the American dream. Election night proved me wrong, so very wrong and now I know this country is divided into two distinct classes: the freeloaders/socialist and the workers. And the freeloaders outnumber the workers by a wide margin.

In fact it goes deeper than that, it is the strategy of Divide and Conquer, the elimination of the United States from the world stage. We are now, and have embraced part one of the strategy: Divide. Soon we will face part two: Conquer.

I will be addressing this issue more fully in a later post as I develop my theories on this topic, but for now I want to move along with the subject of this post…

While I developed this website for anyone who wanted to improve themselves I now realize that the freeloaders and socialist are not interested in such an endeavor. So I am changing my focus to those individuals who need uplifting in these dire times. And that includes me.

This website is not about freebies but rather a good old fashion work ethic. It is about motivating you to become the best you can be, something a freeloader can and will never aspire to. Self-respect is the very first step in this process and the freeloader does not have or process that trait.

The discouragement we feel is natural but all things are cyclical. The peaks and valleys we experience in our lives is the natural course of life and it is something we must all adjust to. This will pass when it is time for it to pass. When is that? Whenever Divine Providence determines it is time to pass. I have come to the conclusion that this country is not yet ready to return to values of yesterday. It will be years before that happens so you better get accustomed to being a second-rate citizen in a country that worships immorality. Still it is our attitude which carries our day not the events that surround us.

So what do we do in these hours of darkness? Well to start, light a candle. Realize there are others who feel the same disgust and anguish that you do. I am one of those. Understand this country is now divided into two distinct camps and one of those camps believes in the value of America and the American dream. Socialize with them, encourage them and let them encourage you.

Live your life and strive to become the best you can be. Do not let the freeloaders and those who desire to destroy this country destroy you and your love of country. Just walk away from those who wish to impose their will upon you. You are unique and you have a tremendous value. Realize it, embrace it, and cherish it. The road before us is difficult but not impossible to travel, but we will need each other to make and complete the journey.

The current leaders, especially the Republican leaders love the town of Loserville and they will not change. The House will capitulate to the Democrats every chance they get. You need to realize it but also realize that the Law of Cause and Effect is working overtime and it is working in your favor. This is why I changed parties. I need to make the Law of Cause and Effect work for me and this is the first step in that process.

I do not know what effect my change will have but I do know this small cause will have some type of effect. It is only a matter of time. You are a worthy individual; always remember that especially during these dark days of uncertainty.

There are a lot of problems facing this country and the Democrats are responsible for all of them. But so are the Republicans for not stopping the madness. Yet it is the voter who is ultimately responsible and this election was no different. The voter decided they wanted a country full of misery and despair and they ensured the politicians who would give them this utopia got re-elected.


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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