Being Special

Today, there are three kinds of people: the have’s, the have-not’s, and the have-not-paid-for-what-they-have’s. — Earl Wilson

 Do you know how special you are? Some of you do, some of you don’t, and some of you don’t even have a clue.

That’s not surprising considering all the propaganda you are exposed to each and every day. How can you know how special you are when you are told, on a consistent basis that your life is worthless without government help? The message is relentless: Only the compassion of government can make you happy and content. The sad thing is many of you believe these lies.

The truth is government is not your salvation but in many cases your nightmare. At least that is the way it has evolved lately. I mentioned it before and I will always support the concept that we have the greatest form of government on the Earth today. Our system of checks and balances, laws, and self-reliance is unique among every nation on this planet.

However in the last few years we have elected the greatest con-artist the world has ever produced and we call them our elected representatives. I call them Congress Critters most foul. These Congress Critters, I can’t really call them representatives, have managed to create an atmosphere of dependence among the population. They use the main stream media, a very obedient main stream media, to push the agenda “You are nothing without us, the most compassionate government ever created and we will always take care of you.” This message is constantly repeated everywhere, but especially with the young and at all levels in our schools.

The trouble with our Congress Critters is the way we vote. We do not hold our representatives accountable for their actions; hence we allow them to pursue a course of action which is damaging to the country.

Some, but a very few, people understand the basic motivation of a politician. Most people do not and thus become the victims of the snake oil salesman. The unfortunate issue is a majority, a super majority of the Congress falls into the snake oil salesman category.

Are there any good people in Congress? Of course there are… I think. However lately I have come to believe that all, every one of our Congress Critters has an agenda to destroy human dignity. How? By forcing all of us into some type of government program, all in the name of safety and compassion.

I wish I was wrong but every single day I find more and more support for my theory: Destroy human dignity and enslave the population.

Am I being cynical? Of course, but I am also right. How I wish I was wrong. I am told daily that I am wrong by my liberal friends, but my liberal friends are the first to support massive government spending and government control. Again, in the name of safety and compassion.

Politicians believe their policies are making a major difference in the war on poverty. But it’s not. We have had the war on poverty since the sixties and we are still, maybe worse off than when the so-called war started. This leads me to believe and accept the concept that poverty is politically induced and motivated. Politicians use poverty to enhance their own life style and power base. The latest push to legalized eleven million illegals supports this theory. Politicians need poverty in order to remain in power and enforce their will upon the population. Politicians cannot exist without this “privileged underclass.”

Yet it need not be this way. The only reason we are in the mess we are in is because we, the people, will not hold the Congress Critters accountable. We won’t hold them accountable because they give away “free” stuff. And who pays for this “free” stuff? Those of us who refuse to bow to the will of the politicians. Thus we are “punished” for our hard work and efforts to better ourselves.

We are special. We know we are special. We are special because we believe in ourselves, in our abilities, and in our own self-reliance. We don’t need government to survive, so we refuse to worship the snakes occupying the halls of Washington. Because of our refusal to worship the immorality and decadency of the Washington elites we have to be punished. Higher taxes, more taxes, and more restrictions on our freedom is just a few of the ways the Congress Critters punish the self-reliant.

If you are a taker, a supporter of those taking from those who have worked to achieve and giving to those who don’t deserve, then you are nothing more than a common criminal. Wealth redistribution is not the way of this country. Hard work, self-reliance, dedication to a goal, and morality is. This philosophy of stealing from those who have earned and giving to those who have not will not stand. It cannot. Personal responsibility will triumph… in time.

So I ask the question again: Do you know how special you are?

Everyone can be special if they choose to be. The key is self-reliance. While it is true we all need assistance from time-to-time it also true that this temporary assistance is just that, temporary. Real Americans will stumble sometimes and fall. Yet they pick themselves up and continue on. The takers of this country never pick themselves up and are content to live their life watching mindless television and voting for the freebies the political elite gives them.

Yet this “free” stuff has a very high cost. Loss of freedom, loss of self-respect, being at the mercy of a slave master, and never enjoying the real beauty of life is just a few of the prices the “privileged underclass” must suffer. Still they choose this lifestyle for they feel it will never end. But it will and when it does the takers will be forced to face a cruel and merciless enemy – the reality of life.

Yet each individual is special, very special because we live in this country. To date this country is still the land of the free, but if we don’t change course we won’t be. On our current trajectory we will become worse than Greece and all of Europe combined. The pain will become misery and of such hellish intensity it cannot be described.

But it need not be. For you and I are special. We can choose to live in freedom and sunshine or in misery and darkness. How we live is our choice and it begins with self-reliance. We must believe in ourselves and our abilities. We must hold the political elites accountable via honest elections instead of rigged ones. We must demand our Congress Critters listen to us or they will lose their jobs. Many have already because they believed we, the voter, to be completely stupid. And many voters are stupid sadly to say.

Yet this does not change the fact we are special. We can and should better ourselves at every opportunity. We should always believe in a Higher Power and not the Hollywood elites of the tarnished screen. We should always ask ourselves “How can I improve me today?”

We should always consider ourselves special, because we are special. We have freedom while the rest of the world, our political elites, and the main stream media demand we kiss their feet and become their slaves.

Sorry dude, ain’t ever gonna happen.


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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