GPMCC RV Adventures


The RV Newbie

The RV Newbie

This website addresses The Gulfstream Atrium 2003, floor model 8410. While some of the data presented here may apply to other motorhomes we do not write to other units. However we hope the information we present will help you with your own RV.

That being said I have decided to put this topic in a blog post format. It is easier to maintain a blog than this page, but this page is still important in that it will link to other websites concerning the RV lifestyle. And it will also link to my affiliates, which I encourage you to visit (and buy from, but no pressure, anyone seen that fire hose?).

The RV Newbie

The only place on this website you can link to the RV Newbie post is from this page. I purposely designed it that way for this static website. However you can also link to the RV Newbie from each of the other blogs, the Main and Quick Blog.

I am still working on the framework for the RV Newbie so it is not live as of this writing. After a lot of research I finally found a theme I can use for the RV Newbie. It took awhile as there are a lot of good themes out there but for one reason or another I had to eliminate them. While the theme I found is not the perfect theme it is very powerful and even come with instructions on how to use. That impressed me.

Maintenance and Information

In addition I am working on a repair process for the Atrium concerning various components of the Atrium. Due to the complexity of the Atrium I want to make sure I get the information right the first time.

One of the biggest issues I have is the lack of data on the Atrium repair. Yes there is generic information but I'm looking for something more concrete, something that actually helps me fix the Atrium. Apparently that "something" doesn't exist. But if it does I cannot find it and I'm good at finding information as that is what my technical writing career taught me to do.

So I decided to document my own repair processes, what works, what doesn't, what to be aware of, everything maintenance. This is going to be an on-going project as not everything breaks (but it sure seems like it) at the same time. At any rate more information about this project will be coming out as time passes.

RV Parks and Websites

I have added some RV and regular camping websites you may find interesting. Most of these sites I have no affiliation with but I do visit these sites for information on a regular basis. I hope you find them useful as well.


Go RVing RV Life RV.Net
RV Share RV-Camping RV Travel
RV Life RV Lifestyle RV Camping Lifestyle
Your RV Lifestyle Wandrly Good Sam Club
RVIA RV Life and Travel FMCA
North To Alaska
National Parks KOA National Parks Traveler
Go Camping America Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds National Park Service
Reserve America USCAmpgrounds Military Campgrounds
(Requires Military/DOD Id Card)

There are more websites concerning the RV lifestyle than listed here, but this will get you started. Many of the above links link to other sites hence I didn't want to duplicate what is already done.