WELCOME to GPMCC – The Quick Blog. This blog is a little different from my main blog, which can be found at gpmcc.com in that it deals with just random thoughts.
These thoughts can be a few words, a few sentences, a few paragraphs, or many paragraphs spanning many pages. However the basic idea behind the Quick Blog is to share random thoughts with you, the visitor.
Don’t expect any logical reasoning to these thoughts. The posts will be wide and varied which is exactly why I wanted this type of blog. These are thoughts I can quickly express without worrying about flow and relations.
You will notice I do not have a comment section on any of my sites, the blogs and website itself. The reason for this is simple: I HATE SPAM!
I had a really bad experience in the past with comments and it left a very bitter taste in my mouth. However spam filters are getting better with each release and I am reconsidering this topic.
So I do apologize, well not really, for this madness but until I know I can get a firm handle on spam, without it costing me a fortune, I can do without comments.
So with that, let us get started.