The Sheriff is Coming

The only foes that threaten America are the enemies at home, and these are ignorance, superstition and incompetence. — Elbert Hubbard

I haven’t posted a new blog in a month now, and I don’t even know where to begin with this one. So much has happened this last month I am beginning to doubt I live in America any more. I have never seen a Congress, Supreme Court, or Administration so determined to destroy America and the American Dream as this current crop of elected criminals are. And they are criminals. Their actions prove it over and over again. And of course these actions are totally supported by the Benedict Arnold Propaganda Machine (BAPM), formerly known as the main stream media.

The purpose of this blog and website is to encourage you to not listen to the political chatter and to embrace your own power in order to create a much better life for yourself. Unfortunately that task is becoming almost impossible. I said almost.

The political elites which roam the halls of Washington slap each other on the back for displaying a total distain for the people of this nation. And they do it with pride. I realized there is not a penny’s worth of difference between Democrat and Republican, all factions are out to kill this nation and they have the absurdity to call it “compassion.” Compassion hell… these congress critters are condemning us to hell and smiling all the way to the nearest money laundering plant with our tax money.

Add 65 million brain-dead voters who support the agenda of destruction and this country is in for a rude paradigm shift. What type of paradigm shift? Let us just say the last major paradigm shift this country suffered was World War 2. What the next one will be I have no clue except I am confident this shift will make WW2 look like child’s play in comparison.

Be that as it may I still have a lot of faith in many really pissed off people. These are the individuals who believe in the country as founded and respect the traditions which have made it great. The left-wing loons think they are winning and I submit they are… for now. I submit this country is not finished but rather throwing a major temper-tantrum like any two year old does. Still the discipline we are about to receive will be… painful.

I come back to the paradigm shift which will happen in the very near future. So here is some ideas you can hold onto to as this shift occurs:

For starters believe in yourself. You and only you can control your destiny. It is your responsibility to respond, not react to the changing forces which will engulf us all. There will be winners and losers and you want to make sure you are on the winning side, as the left-wing thinkers are not going to be.

While you have faith in yourself also have faith in Divine Providence. The God who created the universe has a plan for the left-wing loons, a plan you want no part of. By believing in yourself, your abilities, and Divine Providence you will be preparing yourself for what comes. Whatever it is.

Never give up hope for you and your family. There are positive signs if you look for them. Hence all is not lost nor will it be.

I’m not a fatalist but I can read the writing on the wall and connect the dots. I see where the political elites want to take this country in a direction not sanctioned by a majority of the people and in the process destroy our self-esteem. Do yourself a favor and don’t let them. Stay true to your dreams, work towards them, empower them with faith and belief for these simple stated actions can sustain us, sustain all of us who believe in this great country.

I said the actions were simple stated, not easy to implement. There are forces at work who want you to give up and give in. Don’t. It is so easy to give into liberalism because it is so seductive. Yet this path is destructive and will destroy all you hold dear.

Conservatism, the concept and ideas of conservatism is hard to obtain. It requires work to believe in yourself when it is so much easier to let the nanny state take care of you. We conservatives look at the bigger picture, we see the end game and we don’t like the ending much less the path we are on.

I saw a poll the other day which declared 71 percent of the people believe this country is on the wrong path. Now I trust a poll about as far as I can throw the Empire State Building but this one I do believe. Why? When I read news stories I also read the comments. Now depending on where the story is located I can pretty much determine what the majority of comments will say. Yet sometimes I am surprised and at times the comments are conservative in nature, which says a lot when you are on a liberal news site.

I see hope here where the citizens of this country are getting fed up with the antics of Washington. When I read a story which declares the BAPM is worried about losing their “soul” I know things are not well in the liberal world. These people are torn between ideology and reality and it makes them very, very nervous. What’s a liberal to do?

Still too much has happened to stop the paradigm shift which is coming, Divine Providence will work His will and no one in this nation can stop it. When will it happen? I don’t know all I can do is prepare myself. Self-determination, self-reliance, and belief in my abilities are the weapons of choice in this coming shift. I hope they are yours as well.

So I ask you, where do you stand? Do you believe the shift is coming? Many of my liberal co-workers do not. They call me an idiot, stupid, ignorant, and all sorts of other names. So what. I know many people did not believe WW2 would come upon them, but it did and their entire life changed within a few hours. The country changed within a day. The Sheriff of Ignorance demanded payment, and he got it… big time.

So you currently have a choice, and a chance to improve your life before the Sheriff comes to town. World War 2 destroyed a lot of dreams but it also created many opportunities for those who had their eyes open. So it shall be with this next paradigm shift, opportunities will present themselves for those who keep their eyes open and their faith strong. The brain-dead are the ones who will suffer the most. But that is their choice.

The Sheriff is coming and I’m getting ready, are you?


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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