Foolish Republicans Never Learn

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress…. But then I repeat myself. — Mark Twain

So we got another two trillion plus dollars added to the debt, we’ll just print more Monopoly money to cover the bills. A trillion here, a trillion there, so what, no big deal after all the few taxpayers that are left will cover the cost. Right?

The word politics means many blood sucking ticks, or in our case many money-grabbing crooks. It never ceases to amaze me how our elected leaders sound so promising during election season but the moment, the moment they get to Washington DC they become blithering idiots. They forget the actual reason they wanted to go to Congress in the first place. Or did they?

The human being has not changed much since the beginning of time. There are exceptions but they are very few in number. In this post I want to focus on how Republicans are the focus of their own cowardice, but first I want to list the reasons they allow themselves to fall into a trap of their own making.

There are, by consensus, seven deadly sins or vices. These consist of greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, wrath, and gluttony. Politicians have learned to implement each of these vices with perfection while blaming big oil, big business, and Mr. and Mrs. America for all the ills in the country. In fact if they gave degrees for vice implementation politicians would all receive PhDs.

Every human being on the face of the planet practices one or more of these vices every day. Be that as it may most humans generally do not make a habit of living these sins but rather one day they may practice one or more but the next they abhor the item. In short humans aren’t perfect and are therefore subject to these vices daily at various points in their everyday life. But the average human can’t spend money like a drunken politician nor tax the average American into the poor house, and then take the house away! And then blame all the problems, problems politicians created, on you and me.

Once an individual decides to enter politics their initial emotions are of wanting to make a change in the atmosphere of Washington. They trust they can change the climate of politics and they believe it with all their heart. So they campaign and win their district or whatever office they seek. Then something changes, and instead of changing the Washington climate the Washington climate changes them. This change affects them because they were weak to begin with and the seven deadly vices have absolutely no trouble in changing the newcomer to fit right in with the old timers.

As an observer I find this “temptation” to mold and fit in is more effective on those who call themselves liberals than those who call themselves conservatives. I believe the reason for this is liberals are more prone to feel with emotion and let logic go the way of the Dodo bird. Conservatives for the most part tend to think with logic instead of emotion.

Because liberals never really think but only feel, they believe their way of governing is the best. And the world seems to agree with that assessment. The liberals all govern with the “what if” syndrome, and this philosophy seems to prevail in today’s world. The conservatives on the other hand seem to dwell on the logical side of the equation with feelings taking a back seat in the governing process. Hence we have a divided country.

Governing by emotion is easy, governing by logic is difficult. Feelings never require a thinking process, only a knee-jerk reaction to something that may or may not happen. Logic requires deep thought in order to work properly. Now here is a dirty little secret:

Logic requires effort and work to implement; emotions are easy and require no effort to implement.

In short logic thinks through the problem carefully including any after effects the solution may have. Emotions only address the immediate need at hand and never consider what effect the solution may have after implementation, a concept known as “unintended consequences.”

Because human beings are 100% emotion and effort is required to think in a logical manner, most humans, especially politicians, seem to want to take the easy way out, which is governing by emotion. But problems are never solved with feelings, only with logic and logic cannot be governed with feelings. Logic can be influenced by emotion but it can never be implemented with emotion.

Enter the group known as Republicans. Now Republicans like to think of themselves as logical and conservative but in reality they are only spineless worms who are terrorized by their own shadow. This fear is evident everyday by the way they “govern?”

Govern they do not; instead they hide and duck responsibility which they do very well. If Republicans really had confidence in themselves this latest boondoggle of raising the debt ceiling would have never happened. Hence Republicans never learn but instead are controlled by entities that have absolutely no power but project the illusion of power. These entities are known as the main stream media.

Republicans also have something else going against them: they are easily and constantly fooled. They believe all the lies liberals tell them. Their ability to accept lies and their overwhelming fear of being vilified by the main stream media makes Republicans complete wimps. And this makes a definition change: Republican does NOT equal conservative. The two can be as different as noon and midnight.

Still with all this negativity and distortion something is happening, something profound, and something worth noting and remembering. There are some conservatives who actually are fighting to do the right thing. But because of the seven deadly vices that control Washington DC these individuals are being vilified and destroyed on a daily basis. Yet they still fight and they are prevailing. They may have lost a battle but they will not lose the war.

What’s going to happen with the new debt ceiling? Actual facts I do not know but if history teaches us anything the results of this latest action won’t be good and the price each of us is going to pay will have devastating effects upon our lives. Or rather continue to have devastating effects.

I mention all this because of two facts: 1) Elections have consequences and 2) each individual is responsible for their own actions. You may not think that what happens in Washington affects you, but you are wrong. Totally and completely wrong. Thus you are left with only one option: how will you respond to policies coming out of Washington which has only one desirable effect – to enslave you.

You are responsible for your actions and your actions control your life. The “I’m only one person, what can I do” attitude is no longer an option you can utilize. You can be like Republicans and never learn from those who would manipulate and enslave you to an undesirable way of thinking, or you can take control of your life, become independent, and decide to be the best you can be in everything that you do.

Entrenched Republicans will never learn so I choose the latter course of action, independence. Which course of action will you chose?


About GP McClure

I am a technical writer with over 30 years of writing experience in a variety of subjects and topics, covering a wide range of industries, but specializing in aviation. I have lived in the San Diego California area since 1972 for the most part but spent some years in Japan and Alaska, thanks to the United States Navy. I retired from the Navy in 1992, having served 20 years of active duty in the aviation field.
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